Meet Camo – the Tee Hee Hee Party chameleon.
The chameleon’s ability to change colors serves as a perfect metaphor for the Tea Party’s so-called leaders. They say one thing to Tea Party voters then color-shift to become part of the GOP Establishment, particularly when corporate lobbyists come calling.
Right now, 84 percent of all Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing… 72 percent disapprove of the job the GOP’s Congressional leaders are doing… and only 22 percent support the Tea Party.
And yet, polls give an edge to the GOP Establishment. So few Americans intend to vote this year the GOP could win by default.
And the fault will be ours.
Join UCubed in our campaign to GET RID OF THESE REPTILES! Vote Tuesday, November 4 – and make plans with your family and friends to go vote, too.
The Real Unemployment Rate – September 2014
Our Summary of U.S. Real Unemployment makes the adjustments necessary to determine: first, the number of Real Unemployed Persons and, second, the Real Unemploym...
The Real Unemployment Rate – August 2014
Our Summary of U.S. Real Unemployment makes the adjustments necessary to determine: first, the number of Real Unemployed Persons and, second, the Real Unemploym...
Rock the Vote: UCubedRock the Vote partners with UCubed to bring voter registration members of Ur Union of Unemployed. Register or change your address now by clicking the link.
- Activist ResourcesShare your story, create a letter to your editor, get tips on contacting the media and much more.
- Unemployed ResourcesThe official "Decisions and Choices" survival guide for laid-off employees, Working America's Unemployment Lifeline and other resources.
- Order UCubed Bumper Stickers and Yard Signs
- Welcome to UCubedA welcome letter from UCubed President Rick Sloan
Ur Union of Unemployed Job Center
- Careers in Public Health.NetConnecting students and professionals to job, career and internship opportunities available to them throughout global public health.
- Public Health OnlineProvides students, parents and general readers with accurate and expert-driven information and resources about public health topics, careers and the post-secondary educational landscape.
- ".Jobs" Employment NetworkSearching for a job just got a lot simpler! Now exists a massive network of about 40,000 new employment websites – all ending in “.jobs.”
- Apply for a Job with a Local SupermarketGrocery store and supermarket job applications forms online
- US Nursings is a resource for current and future nurses
- TAA ResourcesThe Trade Adjustment Act provides training and other benefits for dislocated workers affected by foreign trade.
- Tell the House to Extend Unemployment Insurance BenefitsNearly 2.8 million Americans have lost their economic lifeline since House Republican leaders forced unemployment insurance benefits to expire last December. The Senate just voted to extend those benefits. But it's now up to the House.
- Tell Congress to Stop Listening to the Tea Party and Focus on JobsA small group of disgruntled leaders from the Tea Party are staging an attempted coup d'etat. Tell them to end this manufactured crisis...
- Tell Congress to Enact a 21st Century Works Progress AdministrationThe time has come for a modern day revamp of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1935 Works Progress Administration (WPA), a public works program enacted during the Great Depression.
- Urge House Members to Co-Sponsor the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Training ActH.R. 1000, the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Training Act, is a bill to create jobs for all Americans...
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